There are 650,000 different construction companies in the United States. This means, if you’re trying to compete in this saturated marketplace, you need to differentiate your business.
But how in the world can you do this? At times, it can seem impossible. However, with a clear construction branding strategy, it can be done!
Check out these 4 tips to help you effectively brand your construction firm.
1. Set Your Budget
First and foremost, it’s important to think about your branding budget. It’s no secret that doing it yourself is the cheapest route. But this will almost always produce subpar results.
It’s a better idea to work with a professional design firm. Then look at your finances. Depending on your business’ size, it’s recommended that you spend anywhere from 2-8% of your budget on marketing.
And this is where your branding budget will come from.
Another idea is to spread out your branding plan over the course of six months to a year. That way, you’ll have more to spend and won’t need all the cash right at once.
2. Decide on Your Brand Messaging
In other words, what do you want to stand for? What do you want to be known for? How do you want people to view your company?
These are all questions that will help you develop your brand’s core values, positioning, and messaging.
Start by thinking of adjectives that you want to be known for. Often these include things like trustworthy, honest, organized, and high quality.
These are especially important in the construction industry, where you’re dealing with large budgets, building safety, and lots of small details. People want to know you can handle their specific requests and provide great work.
Once you’ve thought through these key brand characteristics, think about how you can portray those qualities through your marketing. What will your brand’s voice sound like? How will you interact with potential customers?
And then, it’s important to think about the visual side of your brand.
3. Next in Construction Branding: Work on Your Logo
Now let’s talk about your logo. When it comes to the construction industry, there are two clear routes you can go down with your logo.
Neither is wrong! It’s just about preference.
First, you can make it super obvious that you do construction by hinting at that in your logo. Many companies choose this route.
The other option is to not include a hint of construction in your logo. This is also very common. In many cases, construction businesses who do this include a slogan that addresses their industry.
Next, it’s time to think about how you can visually represent your brand’s messaging in your logo. You also want to make something that’s easy to remember.
In the construction industry, since you’re going up against so much competition, it’s a good idea to always include your business’ name in your logo, instead of just an image or letter.
4. Build Your Site
Now, it’s time to start creating your web presence. This all centers around your brand’s website. Think of this as your company’s hub on the web.
These days, people don’t use the Yellow Pages when looking for companies. They search online! So creating a relevant website that is optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) will help you gather more business online.
That’s because you’ll show up higher on search engine result pages when your site is built for SEO.
Also, think about your website content and the key elements you need.
You’ll want high-quality images of past projects that you’ve worked on. You’ll also want to include testimonials and reviews from past clients.
Also, be sure to include a strong “About Us” page. This is where you can include company history, bios of all of your employees, and anything that’s been written about you in big publications.
5. Spread Your Reach Through Social Media
Social media is a must-have for successful marketing today. But many construction companies are new to this and often feel lost.
Realize that this is a huge benefit to you because it means less competition for you!
Social media is great because it allows you to get your message in front of your target audience in a fun and more laid back way. It’s also a great way to generate leads.
Post feature images of your best work. You could also create short videos of past projects.
Another great idea is to do a live video from a construction site you’re working on to give people a behind-the-scenes look at what you do.
6. Don’t Forget about Print
Last but not least, don’t forget about printing your logo! Whether it’s on business cards, pens, trade show materials, or work gloves, it’s important to brand your company on all your physical products.
In all of these areas, be sure to keep your logo consistent. It should always be the same color and feature the same fonts.
Also be sure your logo will be legible on small surfaces like on stationary or on a pen. You may want to have a version you can use on those smaller areas.
No matter what, just remember that your logo should be used often and consistently to establish a great brand identity.
Get Creative with Your Branding
There you have it! Six tips to help you dominate your construction branding project.
Now it’s time to get started with these ideas. Think about how your business can implement these tips.
If you have questions or want to learn more, contact us today. Our custom work gloves are a great way to improve your branding as well.