Do you want to purchase the best mechanics gloves? There are many auto mechanic gloves in the market today but surprisingly, most of them are not capable of handling the tough mechanic duties. The history of gloves is as elaborate as the history of man! Here are some qualities of best mechanic gloves:
- Best mechanic gloves are resistant to abrasion
The primary challenge for mechanical gloves is the type of abrasion the gloves are exposed to. Perfect mechanical gloves should therefore be highly resistant to abrasion and with low wear-through rates.
While choosing vehicle assembly gloves, ensure that your choice of gloves do not erode easily and offer the necessary protection against cuts. High friction should not be able to wear them down easily and they should also be able to protect hands against sharp edges.
- Best mechanical gloves should be easy to wash
The work a mechanic does often leave his gloves stained and dirty. This means that his gloves will have to be cleaned on an almost daily basis. Therefore, when a mechanic wants to choose the right gloves, he should choose gloves which are easy to wash and do not shrink.
Should vehicle assembly gloves shrink during washing, there are high chances that they place the hands at risk during the next time they are worn because they will either live some parts of the hands exposed to harm, will be loose or too tight.
During washing, such gloves should not leave stains and should not be contaminated by the chemicals, oil and other dirt a mechanic has to deal with on a daily basis. Cleaning mechanics glove should not take too much time and energy.
- Best mechanics gloves should be well fitting
Best automotive assembly gloves should fit well on the hands. They should neither be too tight nor too lose because either situation is risky during mechanical work. When mechanical work gloves fit well, they offer a good grip in the process therefore effectively reducing chances of an accident. However, they should not be too bulky to get in the way of productivity.
A good grip on mechanical gloves ensures that they can comfortably be used in handling slippery and hard to hold surfaces such as glass and oily vehicle parts.
There are other qualities of best vehicle repair gloves such as being heat and water resistant. Thus, they are able to keep your hands warm and dry during the vehicle repair process. Heat resistant mechanics gloves also keeps the hands protected from hot vehicle surfaces such as running vehicle engines.
As we always do, here’s a short video on how you can brand your company with Logo Work Gloves.